10 Video Games Star Wars Fans Need To Play

3. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)

Star Wars Jedi Knight Ii Jedi Outcast

Can you imagine the internet fury if I included DICE's version and not the original series?

All nostalgia jokes aside, Pandemic's Battlefront series was ahead of its time. It ushered in a new wave what multiplayer gaming could be, and had as big a repercussion as games like Goldeneye 007 and World of Warcraft did, changing how players perceived what multiplayer gaming could be.

The main campaign has you playing as "Vader's Fist", an elite arm of the Galactic Empire's 501st Legion. While the first instalment of the SW:BF series modelled the campaign as contextual scenario missions, Battlefront II gives the SP campaign more detail by adding in the element of time limits to beat missions and more thoughtful objectives than just the standard base conquest gameplay that the series does so well.

Pandemic's second title basically takes everything from the first game and improves on it. Dogfights in spacecraft make an appearance, with the players also able to board and battle on the starfighters themselves. The AI receives a boost from its predecessor, and new classes are introduced in the shape of the Engineer, Marine and Officer, with the latter class being unique depending on the faction you fight for.

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A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.