10 Video Games Stuck In Development Hell (That We're STILL Looking Forward To)

4. Knights Of The Old Republic Remake

Judas game
Sony Interactive Entertainment

The Force does not look strong with this one.

The KOTOR remake, much like Bloodline 2, has suffered a large amount of negative press over its protracted development cycle. Hell, Lars Wingefors - the CEO of the developer's parent company - recently refused to discuss it during an investor's meeting because he didn't want to see any more headlines about the game.

Given that recent headlines have hardly painted the most positive picture of the game's development (shout-out to PC Gamer's incredible headline "The Knights of the Old Republic Remake is either dead or about to become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"), you can see why he's begun dreading seeing his game in the news.

Yet, like Luke Skywalker's adamant belief that there was still good in Darth Vader, hope for this troubled remake remains strong. Despite all the setbacks - like the game's official trailer being pulled from YouTube, or the game switching development teams, or even the many rumours that the remake is deader than Alderaan - there is still belief that something great can come of this project.

The original Knights of The Old Republic is a landmark release in video game history, and it's hard to believe any studio would simply give up on the chance to update it for a new generation of gamers. Even if the developer's have to reign in their ambitions to the extent the finished product resembles a remaster more than a remake, KOTOR's foundations are so strong that it would still be one of the best games of whatever year it's released.

Hopefully, we can one day say "Somehow, KOTOR returned..."


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.