10 Video Games Stuck In Development Hell (That We're STILL Looking Forward To)

2. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Judas game

Development hell, thy name is Dreadwolf.

The sequel to Dragon Age: Inquisition has experienced an infamously tortured production cycle, and there still isn't an end in sight. Next year will mark ten years since the release of the last Dragon Age game, and series creators BioWare have undergone huge changes since then. Dreadwolf has seen the loss of creative directors, executive producers and, as of this August, 50 developers - the latter being further casualties of the mass layoffs that have blighted the video game industry this year.

Given that - and the fact that BioWare's recent output hasn't exactly set the world on fire - it's easy to be cynical about Dreadwolf's prospects. Yet such is the strength of Bioware's golden age, gamers still hold fast to the hope that the studio can rekindle the embers of its flickering glory.

BioWare have been responsible for some of the greatest RPGs ever made (KOTOR was one of theirs), and we hold fast to the belief that the new guard have learned at least some lessons from the studio's now-departed alumni. No-one is expecting Dreadwolf to rival Baldur's Gate 3 for quality or ambition, but at the very least it should be another absorbing adventure in the Dragon Age saga.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.