10 Video Games Stuck In Development The Longest

3. Dwarf Fortress

star citizen mark hamill
Bay 12 Games

Dwarf Fortress marks a curious moment in how video games are developed and released. An indie construction and roguelike title created by brothers Tarn and Zach Adams, it sees players take control of a group of Dwarves and attempt to build the biggest stronghold possible.

Complex and layered, it was a title that immediately garnered a lot of warm receptions from critics and those who were able to get their hands on it.

Dwarf Fortress first began development in 2002, releasing an alpha version for players three years later. Despite only being a text-based title, the development team at Bay 12 Games have continually brought updates to Dwarf Fortress, with Tarn Adams claiming it won't be fully 'complete' for at least another 20 years.

Full respect for committing to the game's many layers and complexities but, for those fans who have been playing Dwarf Fortress since 2005, there's got to be a sense they're ready to dive into a title that has been classed as 'finished' by now.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.