10 Video Games Stuck In Development The Longest

2. Star Fox 2

star citizen mark hamill

The classic 3D rail shooter series Star Fox began in 1993 with a release on the SNES, and still stands as a landmark moment in the history of the industry for introducing 3D graphics to a 2D-dominated market.

Development for the game's sequel reportedly began soon after the release of the original entry, with Nintendo EAD in Japan and UK-based Argonaut Software taking the lead on the project. And some big developments looked to be in the works, with a playable demo at Winter Consumer Electronics Show in 1995 teasing two-player modes, random encounters and a revamped strategic map system.

Unfortunately, development for the game coincided with a boom in the 3D market and Nintendo deemed that the title wouldn't be able to compete on the shelves with the CD-based competition primarily from Sony's PlayStation.

The Star Fox 2 project was silently killed off by the company, laying dormant in the shadows as other entries in the series came and went over the years.

Thankfully though, for some reason, Nintendo decided to give fans of the series the true sequel to the 1993 classic with Star Fox 2 eventually emerging from the wayside with a release on 2017's SNES Classic and Nintendo Switch Online in December 2019.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.