10 Video Games That Are Already In The Running For Game Of The Year 2017

8. Little Nightmares

Best Games of 2017
Bandai Namco

Not every amazing game that was released this year came with a $60 price tag. Proof? Enter Tarsier Studios' Little Nightmares; a puzzle-platformer horror adventure game with a sprinkling of puzzle elements thrown in just for good measure.

Starring a nine-year old girl named Six, you must make your way out of The Maw; a vessel with some rather unique guests...and that's about it. While your standard indie game relies a lot on its story to pull people in instead of super shiny graphics, Little Nightmares goes the opposite route. Not only is there no backstory, cinematics or any of the sort, there's not even a proper tutorial. You're essentially left to your own devices to fend for yourself and survive.

Possibly the closest thing to Little Nightmares' overall unique package is Playdead's Inside -- and that's certainly lofty company to be in.

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