10 Video Games That Are More Fun To Watch Than Play

4. Super Mario 64 (Speedruns)

until dawn video game

I love Super Mario 64, you love Super Mario 64…we all love Super Mario 64. It’s an all-time classic game that forever changed the shape of 3D gaming. It’s also a game that has been beaten many times over in terms of how fun it is to actually play.

Yet this is one of the most entertaining games to watch other people beat in record time. In the 20 years since Super Mario 64's release, the game has been dissected by speedrunners who now know nearly every nook, cranny, and time-saving glitch the N64 classic has to offer. Watching them blast through this game in ways that you never thought were possible manages to perfectly recreate the joy of discovery that that made Super Mario 64 such a revolutionary experience in the first place.

The speedrunning community in general, is a fantastic source of video game entertainment, but Super Mario 64 is a prime example of a classic game that has found new life as hands-off entertainment.

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Until Dawn
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.