10 Video Games That Are More Fun To Watch Than Play

3. Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

until dawn video game

On paper, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 looks like a dream game. After all, who doesn’t want to team up Spider-Man with Ryu and Wolverine? The problem is that this is actually a surprisingly challenging fighting game that will quickly replace your initial fanboy joy with the crushing sense of defeat.

It's why watching the game's best veteran players fight is such a joy. The greatest Marvel vs. Capcom players have the most complicated mechanics of this game down to a science, and their ability to turn this fighter into a showcase of dream matches is simply astounding. Their battles are how clashes between the legends in this game should look, as opposed to the "How did I shoot that fireball?" style of play many of us use.

Unless you're the kind of person that's never wondered what would happen if Mega Man took on The Incredible Hulk, you'll love watching Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

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Until Dawn
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.