10 Video Games That Came Back From The Dead

1. No Man's Sky

no mans sky
Hello Games

Never in video game history has there been such a dramatic reversal of perception and opinion.

No Man's Sky was a hype train nobody was ever going to stop. Sony had thrown the full weight of their marketing team behind Hello Games, and ambitions and promises were sky-high. What we got on release was barely lift off.

When the game was released in 2016 it was a shell of what players expected. The procedurally generated universe definitely felt massive, but the promised battles, run-ins with unique NPCs and eventually other players never materialised. What players were greeted with was a rather pleasant walking cross horror zoologist simulator. The game was fine, but not finished.

What followed was severe customer backlash. Refunds were being demanded and given across many platforms. The whole staff of Hello Games went into lockdown. All the signs were there that No Man's Sky was in meltdown and soon cease to exist. What happened, however, was the opposite.

Over the next 3 years, Hello Games continued to innovate the game and support the small community that fell in love with their universe. All for free. No slap in the face DLC costs, no hidden transactions. Just honest, world-building free updates. And they weren't simple things.

By the release of No Man's Sky: Beyond in 2019 some of the updates included base building, social hubs, ridable animals, deep-sea diving, new ship types and more. No Man's Sky re-invented itself completely. The debarcle of its release has been forgotten, and what is left is a remarkable game. A phoenix from the ashes.

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Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.