10 Video Games That Came Back From The Dead

2. Rainbow Six: Siege

no mans sky

In the world of modern video games, staying power is everything. The "games as a service" model is a big business and can provide a constant fountain of revenue if done properly. No other game this generation quite embodies this mantra-like Rainbow Six: Siege.

When it was announced that the new Rainbow Six was going to be online competitive only, people were trepidatious. This franchise was built on fantastic campaigns with even better protagonist names, such as the immortal Ding Chavez. When Siege was released early 2015, fans and critics were delighted with a polished co-op shooter experience, with genuinely tense and exciting gameplay. The problem was, that wasn't all that was there.

2015 was a time where online loot boxes were particularly perverse. In a game where the main thing you are chasing is rare loot and skins, locking them behind a paywall doesn't incentivise players to continue the grind. Soon, the player base started to drop off.

Ubisoft soon set to work in securing the longevity of the franchise. Countless updates, specialists, skins and locations released through free and paid for DLCs, the loot box system was adjusted to make the balance seem fairer, and soon Siege became a must-watch eSports spectacle.

Nearly 5 years on, the Rainbow Six: Siege name has never been stronger or more connected with success and accidentlally blowing your team up at the beginning of a game.

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No Man's Sky
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Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.