10 Video Games That Came Back From The Dead

5. Diablo 3

no mans sky

Diablo has always been a beloved franchise. Blizzard's dungeon crawlers are packed full of monsters to fight with your friends, and countless treasures and weapons to chase down in a seemingly endless gameplay loop.

It would take something truly catastrophic to put all of that goodwill under pressure. When Diablo 3 was released in 2012 though, something catastrophic happened.

Blizzard were seemingly not ready for the amount of traffic Diablo 3 was going to receive. So, at launch, many players were met with the now-infamous "Error 37". Servers just could not cope.

Players were either unable to log into the game or were booted as soon as they did. This would have only been a minor set-back had it not been for the fact that Diablo 3 required network connectivity to play. Players had spent £60 on something they couldn't play, and they were not impressed.

This wasn't the end of Blizzard's headache. The real-money auction house, where players could buy the most sought-after gear for in-game gold or real cash, became another blight on the game.

Blizzard acted promptly.

They made the servers a lot more stable and soon took down the real money auction house. This and content improvements, seasonal rewards and constant technical support soon ironed out these glaring issues and left the much loved game we know today in its place.

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No Man's Sky
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Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.