10 Video Games That Came Back From The Dead

4. Destiny 2

no mans sky

Not many franchises can come back from the dead, let alone twice. Destiny 2 has still managed to remain relevant even after such high-profile blunders.

By the end of Destiny 1, Bungie had managed to live up to the pre-release promises and make Destiny a truly shared-world experience. There was plenty of content for all types of players, from complicated raids to incredibly tense PvP. When Destiny 2 was announced, players were excited to get improvements in their experience, further diving into their role as a Guardian.

What players received, however, was a watered-down experience designed to attract a more casual player. The content was stripped back considerably, and though the story campaign was a lot better, the end-game was nearly non-existent. Troubles compounded when the paid-for DLC releases, Curse of Osiris and Warmind, didn't add anything to the experience other than extra story content.

There is nothing wrong with making a game attractive for new and casual players, and it certainly makes sense financially, but Destiny was kept alive by its devoted fan base, who stuck by the vanilla D1 experience. It was a lot to ask them to go through that again.

Bungie decided to take serious action. With the release of another game-saving DLC "Forsaken", the end game was vastly improved and a whole new game mode "gambit" was released. Going forward, Bungie cut ties with corporate publisher Activision, to hopefully avoid another profit-over-customer situation with future releases.

Only time will tell whether Bungie will continue to treat their loyal fanbase with the respect they deserve.

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No Man's Sky
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Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.