10 Video Games That Could Seriously Damage Your Health

2. Second Life


I€™ve cheated a bit here, because Second Life really isn€™t a video game per se€™. Instead, it€™s a giant virtual world where players can... well, do anything. Fly, build houses, dress up, and there€™s a lot of cyber sex on there too for some reason. But the most disturbing thing I find about Second Life is that people actually live on there. I don€™t just mean your clever player who€™s virtual business nets them a pretty profit. Some people spend their entire waking moments fused to their computer, interacting online rather than offline. Haven€™t they seen those Discovery Channel commercials? The real world is just awesome, y€™know. Boom de ah da, boom de ah da... So, you might be asking what€™s a worse health risk than living your life as a virtual shut in, ala Surrogates...?
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Art student, literature fan and Batman enthusiast from Eastern Australia. A veteran of the bloody console wars that took many lives (and pay checks).