10 Video Games That Deserve Sequels

6. The Order: 1886

Bully 2
Ready At Dawn

Botched on the first attempt, perhaps a sequel for this game could capitalise on the great premise of the first.

Steampunk Victorian England, Nikola Tesla acting as your gadget assistant, Werewolves, Vampires, and a great aesthetic, this game did seem like it was going to be a huge success. Much to consumers shock; however, the content of the game itself was painfully uninspired and playing it was not entertaining.

In addition to this, the shocking lack of run-time meant that not only was the game not fun to play, but it ended so quickly that many felt they had paid for an experience they gained nothing back from. It is unfortunate, for as previously stated, the game's concepts and idea's were intriguing and had a wonderful sense of atmosphere.

A sequel to this game could act as a chance to reinvigorate this IP and produce something worthy of the brilliant idea that Ready at Dawn created.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!