10 Video Games That Did Cyberpunk Better Than Cyberpunk 2077

5. Blade Runner (1997)

Blade Runner game
Microsoft Windows

This inclusion is by default, as all Blade Runner needed to do to be a good cyberpunk game was to be a good Blade Runner game. But wait! It’s also still one of the most interesting adventure games ever made, with branching story paths, and randomised replicants each playthrough.

Remember branching story paths? Remember those? Remember when Cyberpunk 2077 was supposed to have some, but then the game got rushed out two years too early and now the most open mission in the game, is, conveniently, the one at the beginning they showed in the first gameplay demo? Remember having even a scrap of faith that 2020 might have at least a hint of a redeeming quality, right at the end? Gone, like tears in rain, only with more shouting on Twitter.


Nic Reuben hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.