10 Video Games That Didn’t Know When To End

7. Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone

Yggdra union
Sting Entertainment

Yggdra Union is the second episode in the Dept. Heaven series, and tells the story of Yggdra, the Princess of Fantasinia, as she attempts to reclaim her kingdom from the invading Bronquian Empire . The story concludes with the defeat of Gulcasa, the leader of the Bronquian Empire, or at least it should have.

Suddenly Nessiah, a character that was thought to be dead, appears and reveals that he is the mastermind behind everything. Nessiah becomes the new big bad and you are forced to face him in a battle that extends way past what would have been a logical closing point. It€™s not that Nessiah isn€™t an interesting character; in fact he very much is, and that€™s why forcing him into the end doesn€™t work. He could have been the antagonist in whole other episode in the series.

It€™s yet another case of a video game throwing in another final boss just for its own sake, rather than knowing when to resolve the plot.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.