10 Video Games That Didn’t Know When To End

6. Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross

The amount of dramatic expansion that goes on in Chrono Cross, the sequel to Chrono Trigger, is down right amazing. Almost the entire second disc is one long drawn out extended conclusion that piles one major antagonist after another.

For much of the game a powerful super computer named FATE is established as the main antagonist. However, he is merely the beginning, and his defeat only makes way for an even greater threat, the Dragon God, a merging of six elemental dragons that threatens the entire world. Finally, just after you defeat Dragon God, yet another massive threat sprouts up in the form of the Time Devourer, and at this stage you wonder just when all this insanity will end.

The lengths to which Chrono Cross goes to keeps things moving forward is admirable, but regardless of how much you enjoy it (and there is much to enjoy), it cannot be denied that there is a narrative hierarchy that inflates the plot to absurd heights. It€™s all entertaining, but not the least bit elegant in the way it tells its story, especially with regards to its multiple false endings.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.