10 Video Games That Didn’t Know When To End

5. Doom 3

doom 3
iD Software

At some point in Doom 3 you are forced to make your way into Hell itself and retrieve the Soul Cube, which is protected by a monster called The Guardian. This whole section feels like the natural ending point of the story; after all, it's only right that a game that pits you against hordes of demons should conclude in the depths of Hell. From a basic story structure, it just.makes.sense.

And yet... Doom 3 doesn€™t do this. While you might be thinking that things are starting to wrap up, in actuality the trip to Hell is only about two-thirds of the way through. Upon retrieving the Soul Cube you still have tons of shooting to do back on Mars, and while this final stretch is arguably the most thrilling and action-packed part of the game, it does feel like the story continues past its logical closing point.

There should have been more build up, and by relegating Hell to being a minor pit stop instead of the final destination that it should have been, it was robbed of its full emotional impact.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.