10 Video Games That Died (Then Came Back Stronger Than Ever)

8. Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Titanfall 2
343 Industries

On paper, a compilation of the Halo franchise seemed totally unscrewupable - all you need to do is package up the beloved existing games with some glossy enhancements and re-release them, right?

Well, Halo: The Master Chief Collection hit storefronts in November 2014 to intense vitriol from an understandably pissed off fanbase, given that the game's atrocious matchmaking made it difficult to play the series' beloved multiplayer, and many encountered graphical glitches during the campaigns.

343 Industries certainly took their sweet time fixing the game, but by the time it was ported to PC in 2019, the overwhelming majority of the most overpowering issues had been fully resolved.

Even though there was a mass exodus of players during the game's deeply troubled launch period, with many seeking refunds for the fundamentally broken experience, Halo's peerless gameplay had enough pull that players came back in droves once it was finally working as intended.

343 ultimately went beyond that, though, also restoring cut content and adding mod support, ensuring that today, The Master Chief Collection is one of the most value-rich games you could possibly buy.

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Titanfall 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.