10 Video Games That Died (Then Came Back Stronger Than Ever)

4. Star Wars Battlefront II

Titanfall 2

The shambolic launch of Star Wars Battlefront II has been talked to death at this point, with EA being slammed by players and press alike for the game's intrusive loot box mechanics, enough that EA temporarily turned them off entirely, and later only restored them for cosmetic items.

Many wrote Battlefront II off as an abject failure right out of the gate, and it was tough to blame them considering how utterly radioactive the discourse was surrounding the game at launch.

In the years following its 2017 release, though, DICE not only simplified the progression system, but released a bevy of new content for free, including playable heroes, villains, maps, and modes.

While it's undeniably horrendous that EA thought they could get away with the original release state of the game, they at least gave DICE the latitude to keep working on it and in turn eventually deliver what fans should've been able to enjoy day one.

The single-player campaign still stinks, but the moment-to-moment multiplayer is absolutely terrific, and that's what matters most.

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Titanfall 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.