10 Video Games That Don't Get The Love They Deserve

8. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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Another game that moved from its "established console base", Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker already upset fans on announcement. Baring in mind that it wasn't the first, as the MGS: Acid games were on the PSP prior.

Yet they were seen as "filler" games, despite some canonical ties, whereas Peace Walker was pitched as a continuation. The other point of ire was the switch from linear, "level"-based progression to a hub-style, akin to the likes of Monster Hunter.

But look at it this way: this hub/pick-missions-from-a-list gameplay became the precursor to The Phantom Pain, and look how well that mechanic was received.

Admittedly, Peace Walker is a vastly different MGS than its predecessors. Gone was the single weapon pickup system, instead replaced with a research/level-based research and crafting division. Also, funnily enough, a bit like Monster Hunter.

At the time, despite strong critical reviews, Peace Walker was seen as a deviation from what the franchise established. Looking back, especially after the success of MGSV, a lot of the framework for that came from Peace Walker.

Players shouldn't be afraid of change, as it often leads to positive results down the line. Besides, if you're worried about the integrity of it being a Metal Gear Solid game: there's a character called "Hot Coldman" in it.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.