10 Video Games That Don't Get The Love They Deserve

7. Terminator: Resistance

Onimusha 3 demon siege
Reef Entertainment

Movie tie-in games are a strange breed of game. Whilst some do capture the magic well, like 2004's Spider-Man 2, there are others that besmirch the notion. Atari's E.T always comes to mind.

Yet whilst Terminator: Resistance isn't a direct movie tie-in, it does bridge some narrative gaps in the franchise. Without trying to get too convoluted, it tells the other side of the story, about the Resistance trying to stop Skynet from sending Terminators back in time. We know it doesn't work, or we'd have no franchise.

If players going into Terminator: Resistance expected a well refined, realistic first-person shooter experience, they're gonna have a bad time. This is the team that made the awful Rambo game some years back, mind (they got better).

However, temper those expectations back and Resistance is actually a fun, arcade-like shooter. It has a few moments of jank to it, granted, but treat it like a love-letter to the franchise and it's actually a pretty decent romp.

There's a few Easter eggs to keep the fans happy, yet it doesn't push away those unfamiliar with the series. Imagine playing Far Cry: Blood Dragon, but without the meta self-deprecation.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.