10 Video Games That Don't Get The Love They Deserve

6. Bulletstorm

Onimusha 3 demon siege
Epic Games

Bulletstorm gets an unfair rap, partly because it gets its macho story compared to Cliff Bleszinski's other macho shooter series, Gears of War. Whilst it does involve big burly men in power armour, Bulletstorm is definitely more a comedic affair. Also, lots of groin-shooting threats.

Back in 2011, gamers were already inundated with too many "serious shooters", depicting the grim realities of war and all that jazz. Even now in 2022, we're still constantly reminded that, as it turns out, war is bad. This is why we need some levity.

Bulletstorm did exactly that: it brought crass humour, it brought silly violence and weaponry, yet it also brought that air of self-awareness that dinosaurs like Duke Nukem lacked*.

It was high octane stuff, escaping a giant exploding wheel one minute before remotely controlling an animatronic dinosaur the next, Bulletstorm never let up. It does lose its story focus towards the end by trying to pull a little twist on us, but that's not a negative.

When you've got shotguns that can tear a man in half, or a sniper rifle with user-guided bullets, sometimes it's nice just to go daft and cause point-based carnage.

*the irony being that Duke's inclusion in the remaster makes him more aware of what a relic he is.

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Onimusha 3
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.