10 Video Games That Fixed Themselves Too Late

2. Aliens: Colonial Marines

aliens colonial marines

Aliens: Colonial Marines is one of the most disappointing games of the last decade, offering up a totally mediocre riff on James Cameron's sci-fi horror classic movie, defined by a mediocre story, terrible voice acting, and most offensively, laughably poor AI and glitches.

The game came under greater scrutiny once it was revealed that developer Gearbox Software outsourced much of the game's development, and the end product was of significantly lower quality than implied by earlier gameplay videos.

Though Gearbox released a 4GB patch to fix some of the issues a month after release, it wasn't until 2017 that many of the problematic AI routines were fixed. By a player. By tweaking a single line of code.

That's right. Over four years after Colonial Marines hit stores, a modder discovered that the game's janky AI was caused by a typo in the code, which with a simple tweak immediately made the Xenomorphs behave like, you know, actual Xenomorphs.

That's not to say that Colonial Marines became a good game with a few taps of a keyboard: the story still plays out like a bad fanfic and the gameplay is utterly uninspired, but the single aspect of the game which made it a true viral joke, a meme even, was nevertheless stamped out by a single person.

That the developers themselves didn't notice this during production, nor manage to fix it in the four years since its release, is nothing short of embarrassing.

And though Colonial Marines is now a good deal better to play than it was in 2013, who among us really wants to prioritise any of their precious gaming time to this?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.