10 Video Games That Force You To Be Heartless

7. Death And Taxes - Being Pragmatic

Duke nukem forever
Placeholder Gameworks

Good news - you’ve got a new job, congratulations! Bad news, it’s working for the Grim Reaper himself, and it turns out that choosing who lives and dies isn’t exactly light, untaxing work.

The aim of the game here isn’t to choose who lives based on little things like how funny their name is or whether you think they’re hot - you have to make every decision with the fate of the world in mind. Each life and death choice has consequences on many more people than just the one in question, and you have to be as logical and pragmatic as possible in choosing who bites the dust.

Basically the whole point is to be as unemotional as possible. It’s easier than it would be if you knew each character more deeply or had more time to hear about the ins and outs of their lives; instead all you know about them is what is there on their little piece of paper and that’s what you make your decision based on.

This one is all about what’s in your head - screw the heart, it knows nothing!


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.