10 Video Games That Fumbled AMAZING Premises

9. Mirror's Edge Catalyst (2016)

Lara croft tomb raider shadow of the tomb raider
Electronic Arts

Featuring vibrant visuals and exquisite parkour mechanics, the original Mirror’s Edge became a beloved cult hit that had fans hungry for a second instalment. After some waiting, the highly anticipated follow-up came in the form of prequel Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.

Catalyst was bigger and more ambitious than its predecessor. Alongside overhauling the graphics and adding skill trees, the prequel swapped the self-contained levels of the first game for a large open world in which players could wall run, vault, and zipline their way across the dystopian city with satisfying fluidity. It was, in theory, everything that fans could have wanted from this game.

However, Catalyst stumbled before it could gain momentum.

Although this title was on a much bigger scale than the 2008 original, everything about protagonist Faith’s fight against the city’s shady corporations was painfully generic.

Not only were the collection of characters as uninteresting and derivative as the plot twists, but the missions themselves were little more than glorified fetch quests. The sense of scale that the open world initially promised likewise crumbled after realising that the city was little more than a series of linear routes stitched together.

Catalyst was a poorly executed attempt to make the game that Mirror's Edge fans wanted.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.