10 Video Games That Fumbled AMAZING Premises

8. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider (2018)

Lara croft tomb raider shadow of the tomb raider
Square Enix Europe

Coming in the wake of the phenomenal 2013 Tomb Raider reboot and equally excellent sequel, expectations were high for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider when it arrived in 2018.

The game got off to a strong start. Alongside displaying the series’ stunning visuals and introducing players to some fun new stealth mechanics, events took an interesting turn when a reckless decision from Lara resulted in a cataclysmic disaster. With the titular archaeologist inadvertently setting the apocalypse in motion, the game frames the legendary character in a different light as she questions the morality of her actions.

This was a fascinating new angle for the series that had the potential to take the high-stakes plot into enthralling and uncharted territory for the franchise. Combined with a greater focus on puzzle solving and exploration, Shadow Of The Tomb Raider had everything it needed to be a stellar conclusion to the trilogy.

Unfortunately, Lara’s adventure started to go off the tracks soon after.

By throwing in flashbacks to her childhood, an assortment of tedious side quests, and a subplot surrounding a subterranean race, Shadow Of The Tomb Raider tried to keep a lot of plates spinning at once and consequently lost sight of what made this premise so good to begin with.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.