10 Video Games That Had No Right Being Fun

3. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

When Final Fantasy XIV first launched in 2010, it sailed into shore to a crowd of notably peeved Final Fantasy fans who were less than happy with this awful MMO addition to their beloved series. It had bugs, errors and numerous seemingly unfinished elements, as well as unsatisfying gameplay to boot. Normally, you would expect a catastrophic failure such as this to crawl into a shack far away in the mountains and never emerge again, save for the occasional hunting expedition to sustain its sad life of solitude, but this story turned out very differently €“ Square Enix rereleased the game as Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and this time...it was incredibly good. This second coming in 2013 took the same basic game and cleared up pretty much every issue people had with the original, resulting in a miraculously well-made and fun experience. To see a game go from some a universally panned mess to a critically acclaimed success was utterly unbelievable.
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A young man with a hairy face. Will often tell you that winter is coming before retreating to his mancave to play video games with a wooly jumper at the ready, just in case.