10 Video Games That Immortalised Their Fans In Amazing Ways

10. Good Guy Evan - Fallout 4

Fallout 4 evan

If you’ve ever wandered the wastes of Fallout 4 and thought to yourself, boy howdy this sure does feel all harsh and depressing, then you clearly haven’t met Good Guy Evan, who can be found in the Nuka-Cola DLC for the game.

Evan is the nuclear apocalypse's little ray of sunshine, offering players a cool Nuka-Cola recipe book, as well as anything he happens to have laying around. Food, items, meds, take it he says in a way that truly shows the benevolence of some of the better people in the world. His inclusion in the game is an emotional one, and he’s modelled after the brother of reddit user “NoohjXLVII”, who wrote a post about how Fallout 4 had brought him and his father together before his dad passed away.

Bethesda were touched by this and sent a huge care package of goodies his way, but unfortunately his brother Evan wouldn’t get to see this, as he too passed away due to an issue with diabetes.

As a result Bethesda chose to immortalise Evan in Fallout 4 and his kind nature, earning him the nickname “Good Guy” Evan.

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