10 Video Games That Immortalised Their Fans In Amazing Ways

9. Michael Mamaril - Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Michael

Borderlands as a franchise is an insane ride. It’s an experience that’s like a whirlwind of violence, crass humor and sharp objects laying waste to everything around it. Yet, in one of the calmer and much more heartfelt moments, you can find a loving tribute to mega fan, Michael Mamaril.

Michael unfortunately passed away at the age of 22 before the game was released and his friends asked whether Claptrap might be able to read a eulogy seeing as he was a massive fan of the series. Gearbox obliged but went above and beyond by making Michael an NPC in the game AND tying an achievement to finding him and talking to him.

If paying respect wasn’t enough of it’s own reward then you’ll notice that Michael also gives you a random blue tier of higher gun from his collection in an effort to help you on your quest. It’s a lovely touch and is excellent nod to a true vault hunter.

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