10 Video Games That Influenced EVERYTHING You Play

8. World of Warcraft

What possible influence could World of Warcraft have on the world of gaming, you may wonder?

It didn't revolutionise online play, nor did it break new ground with fantasy role playing games. It didn't create a new universe, as Warcraft had already been around for ten years prior.

No, it made the world of massively online RPG's more accessible. At it's peak, WoW had a playerbase of twelve million, and that wasn't all "PC master race" players, either.

In my own experience, I have friends who would sniff at "playing a Nintendo all day" that developed a World of Warcraft habit, that still play today.

This is because, as well as being hot property at the time, WoW made it easy to get involved. The vastness of the game and the accessibility on offer made it a safe and easy way to get on board and play.

It showed other developers that there doesn't need to be a level of snobbery in PC gaming, and like consoles should be accessible to anyone willing to try. Sure, there'll still be the technical and cost side of PC gaming, but that should be the only limitation.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.