10 Video Games That Influenced EVERYTHING You Play
7. Dark Souls
Nowadays you can't move for internet snobs calling any game with a degree of challenge a "Dark Souls clone". But what did we mostly get before the new-wave of action/adventure challenge?
That's right: boring, samey, checkpoint-fest, hand-holding games that got stale real quick.
Demon's Souls may have been too niche, but it was Dark Souls that garnered the breakout success. Thus, the challenging, at-times-annoying, definitely-frustrating sub-genre was born.
Since then, we've had successors in Sekiro and Bloodborne, as well as slew of imitators with mixed results. Nioh, Mortal Shell, even Star Wars with Jedi: Fallen Order, have all dipped into the Dark Souls pot.
So, why is it such an influence?
Well, because players yearn for challenge. That "one more go" attitude that harkens back to the glory days of NES-era challenge. Or, if you weren't old enough for that, just the thrill of challenge in general that was lacking for some time.
Granted, it's not for everyone.
But there's no denying the impact and influence that FromSoftware have brought for those that want to reignite the fire and passion for difficult gaming.