10 Video Games That Insult You For Winning

6. Borderlands

metal gear solid 5 venom snake
Gearbox Softworks

Treasure is the ultimate reward for every pirate, explorer, raider of tombs and time team going. Whilst the opportunity to explore both new and long lost civilisations has its allure, the thought of coming home with something shiny and priceless is always an appeal.

It's the same with the Vault Hunters from the first Borderlands game. I mean, the clue's in the name, really. The entire purpose of each of them, as well as the various forces trying to stop/beat them, is the fabled vault and all the purported riches you can imagine.

So, you've made it, whether by yourself or with your comrades, to be greeted by the Destroyer. Ironically, you destroy it, waiting patiently to be showered in untold wealth and riches... that never come.

Turns out, the only thing filling the vault was the Destroyer, imprisoned thousands of years ago. Only no one thought to make a record of that, duping many into thinking there'd be a massive payload after all this.

To this day, you can still hear cries of, "Oh come ON!" calling throughout the night.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.