10 Video Games That Kill You In The First 10 Seconds

8. Space Quest II

The entire Space Quest series was filled with humorous and unexpected ways to die, with the first game giving you the option to blow yourself up within the opening moments and the third in the series letting you cut yourself on a bit of metal and die from blood loss, but Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge stands out for providing one of the fastest and most embarrassing early deaths.

The game begins with you standing in a spacesuit on the outside of a ship. The right move is to head left, but it's not totally clear, so many players walked to the right and suddenly dropped off the edge of the ship, drifting off to their doom.

In typically witty Space Quest fashion, the game even provides an amusing on-screen message if you happen to kill yourself so quickly, commenting on your "obvious lack of common sense" as you finish the game with a total score of 0.

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