10 Video Games That Kill You In The First Level

1. Ghosts N' Goblins

Call of Duty Vanguard

Before Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden, Takeshi's Challenge, or Contra, Ghosts N' Goblins was hailed as 'The Hardest Video Game Ever.' But in the eyes of many, this Capcom title still deserves that mantle.

Playing as a knight called Arthur, you must navigate through an army of the undead to rescue Princess Prin-Prin from the demon king, Astaroth. Because you only have to get hit twice to lose one of your three lives, all it takes is six hits to receive a Game Over.

Even though Ghosts N' Goblins' later levels are brain-destroyingly difficult, most people only know this from word-of-mouth since the most avid gamers couldn't get past the opening level. Not only do zombies, werewolves, and flaming skulls come at you from every angle, your limited attacks and rigid controls make it a challenge to vanquish the most rudimentary enemy. The ground shifts up and down so often, it's tricky to aim at the enemies with precision.

Because there is no save option and checkpoints are almost non-existent, many people who've played Ghosts N' Goblins only saw Level 2 and beyond by viewing it online.

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