10 Video Games That Killed Themselves Trying To Be Popular

5. Dark Void

dark void
Airtight Games

"Okay, we've got cover shooting, we've got Nolan North, we've even got spaceships!""That's cool... kinda" said we gamers, "But what else you got?""...oh"

Such was the dialogue between the public and creatives, as Dark Void arrived at just the wrong time. By 2010 we'd seen a million and one cover shooters, and unless you were doing something fundamentally different like Uncharted or had the privilege of being the originator like Gears, nobody wanted to know any more.

Granted, Dark Void tried to have a 'vertical cover' system, meaning you'd fight enemies above, below and all around you - a neat idea, until it hit that such mechanics are incredibly jarring to keep track of. Regardless, by aping so many established and generic tropes, Dark Void didn't have any identity of its own.

Bonus gamer points if anyone can name the main character from this game in the comments, without looking him up...

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