10 Video Games That KNEW You'd Try To Cheat - Commenter Edition

7. Heretic - Backfiring Doom Codes

Arkham Origins
id Software

When it comes to memorable cheat codes, the Konami Code reigns supreme. While not quite as famous, Doom's IDKFA and IDDQD certainly occupy a similar space.

In 1993's Doom and its 1994 sequel Doom II, IDDQD activated the invincibility-enabling God Mode, whilst IDKFA bestowed full health, ammo, weapons, armour and keys upon the player. Doom 3 didn't follow suit, but typing any of the original's codes into the console would bring up the cheeky message: "Your memory serves you well!"

Raven Software's Heretic, a dark fantasy shooter that ran on Doom's engine, was significantly more brazen. Doom's classic codes when entered into the console would result in the original game's logical opposite. IDKFA had the game declare that the player was a cheater who didn't deserve weapons and leaving them unarmed, and IDDQD brought up the message: "Trying to cheat, eh? Now you die!" before reducing the player character to a pile of low-res giblets.

The iconic codes have shown up in various other games such as Earthworm Jim or many titles developed by Monolith Productions, but it's Heretic's impressive jab at the player that deserves a spot on this list.


Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.