10 Video Games That Let You Brutally Mess With Other Players
8. Dark Souls (Leaving Fraudulent Notes and Items)

One of the most charming ways online gamers can support each other is by leaving things for another person to find during their journey. For instance, Subnautica, Dragon’s Dogma, Nier Automata, and Super Mario Wonder make it possible to plant messages and/or items for others to use as they please.
Maybe someone left a notice about getting around difficult traps or bosses, or they dropped objects that restore health or unlock new areas. Or, in the case of Dark Souls, maybe they’re intentionally being unreliable and childish just to get a rise out of unsuspecting explorers.
Enticingly cheap yet catastrophic ways to do this include advising adventurers to jump from cliffs, slide into bottomless holes, and enter seemingly empty rooms (unarmed) that are full of enemies. You can even turn into an inanimate object and then pounce on them as they helplessly pass you by.
Similarly, you can waste precious minutes of their time by encouraging them to discover hidden treasures and areas that don’t exist. On a less detrimental (but equally irritating) level, you can simply point out blatantly apparent things about the location, such as the unmissable existence of rocks, trees, and bonfires.
Honestly, the possibilities are endless.