10 Video Games That Let You Brutally Mess With Other Players

7. Apex Legends (Playing Around With Portals)

Red Dead Online
Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends is a premier battle royale experience, and a major reason why is its use of portals to send combatants places they may – or may not – want to go. Of course, we’re referring to Wraith’s Ultimate Ability, “Dimensional Rift.”

When employed, she can connect any two areas on the map, permitting travelers to arrive at their new destination multiple times faster than they could’ve otherwise. As such, “Dimensional Rift” is ripe for silly (or advantageous) trolling by whomever is controlling Wraith.

Chiefly, she can trick buddies and foes alike into being teleported off a cliff or into an enemy camp. The more appealing the hoax – such as luring them with the promise of vital resources – the more enjoyably nefarious the prank becomes.

Perhaps Wraith wants to send them far away from where the battle is happening – be that the outskirts of the arena or high above the land – thereby requiring them to waste precious moments returning to the action.

Alternatively, she can use a portal to block an enemy’s line of sight or set the destination to the middle of the other team’s homebase (so that she can take out several people before they realize what’s happened and retaliate).

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Hey there! Outside of WhatCulture, I'm a former editor at PopMatters and a contributor to Kerrang!, Consequence, PROG, Metal Injection, Loudwire, and more. I've written books about Jethro Tull, Opeth, and Dream Theater and I run a creative arts journal called The Bookends Review. Oh, and I live in Philadelphia and teach academic/creative writing courses at a few colleges/universities.