10 Video Games That Literally Put You Through Hell
Please enjoy your stay in Hell, you will not be coming back.

Over the course of time, video games have taken us to lands far and wide. Through areas of the world they would otherwise never be able to see, or times future and past, as well as realms other than our own.
That's not to say that all these places are ideal, as many games taken players to places they would much rather avoid - like the sandy beaches of Normandy in 1944, or the foggy streets of Silent Hill, to name just a few.
Another of these places is Hell: an area most of humanity would certainly never like to spend their time. However, thanks to video games, we can now enjoy the endless suffering and eternal damnation trapped behind its gates.
With multiple religions and multiple sources, the depictions of Hell seen in video games can vary greatly. There's the fiery depths filled with suffering run by Satan, the frozen Helheim of Norse mythology, as well as the Underworld ruled by the Greek god, Hades. No matter the interpretation, there's no denying it's not a place you'll be booking a vacation any time soon.
10. Afterparty
Here's a game that only falls so low on the list simply because it isn't out yet. However, its premise is certainly unique - it tasks you with out drinking Satan himself to earn your place back among the living.
Unlike most games set in Hell, this isn't a dark and twisted adventure through bloody, adrenaline filled encounters. Instead, Afterparty is bright, neon and dialogue driven. It follows recently deceased friends Lila and Milo as they go from bar to bar on their way to Satan's exclusive party to challenge the Prince of Darkness to a drinking competition.
It's being made by Night School Studio, the same responsible for the acclaimed Oxenfree - another dialogue heavy game that was both bizarre and touching. Those familiar with Oxenfree will undoubtedly feel at home with the design of Afterparty, as the art style and dialogue choices look almost identical.
The game is even doing this weird thing with its own form of social media called Bicker, a play on Twitter. As you play the game you can check in real time how the demons and lost souls around you are reacting to your partying ways via in-game social media.
Afterparty is set to release in 2019, so get those livers ready.