10 Video Games That Made Critics And Fans Hate Each Other

6. Deadly Premonition

Deadly premonition

Normally, these lists are meant to be impartial. For the most part, they are. Personal opinion should be left aside in delivering to you these nuggets of wisdom. However...

I cannot stand Deadly Premonition.

I have tried on no less than three occasions to sit and play it, and I can't. I don't get it. The clunk doesn't do it for me, much like the Shenmue series.

That doesn't stop me from appreciating the game though. I can see why people love it, the endearing quality in a game that's so bad it's good. I'm assuming that wasn't Swery's intention, but it's the game equivalent of a Troma movie: that self-aware, B movie romp that knows it's not a blockbuster.

It didn't endear itself to critics though, at least not the "mainstream" ones. Indie review sites loved it because it wasn't a AAA blockbuster, but because it was an odd game. Which, of course, piques peoples' interests more than a run-of-the-mill military shooter sequel. Well, except in the sales.

Besides, how many other games have Guinness World Record for "Most Critically Polarizing Survival Horror Game"...?


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.