10 Video Games That Made Critics And Fans Hate Each Other

5. Demon's Souls

Deadly premonition
Sony Computer Entertainment

It's weird to think, now, of the massive prestige that the Dark Souls franchise carries with it. If it's not a Dark Souls clone, it's a Soulsborne-like game (read: something with an element of challenge to it). Speedruns, no levelled challenges, completion with musical instruments and fruit: you name it, people have done it.

But it wasn't always that way, especially when precursor Demon's Souls came out in 2009. Critical praise was showered on it: it was new, it was fresh, it was bloody hard but that was the point. It holds an aggregate on Metacritic at 89, so why is it on this list?

Well, because it was new and hard. We tend to fear change, the unknown scares us and we'd grown accustomed to handheld, checkpoint gaming. It was a game for the "hardcore", not the casuals. As a result, it didn't exactly fly off the shelves.

Fast-forward eleven years, to three Dark Soul's, a Bloodborne and a Sekiro later, people can't get enough. But for the little game that could before it, it wasn't the warmest reception.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.