10 Video Games That Made Expensive Comebacks (And Still Failed)

7. Bomberman: Act Zero

tomb raider lara croft Angel of darkness

During the 1990s, Bomberman fever was everywhere, with Hudson Soft pumping out up to five games a year revolving around the adorable bomb fanatic.

But when it became painfully obvious Hudson Soft was just repacking and re-releasing the same game over and over, the developers knew something drastic had to be done. With that in mind, the creators forged a reboot in 2006 called Bomberman: Act Zero, which replaced the cutesy style with a dark and gritty aesthetic.

Was it a ballsy move? Absolutely. Was it a good idea? Not at all. Due to the third-person perspective and realistic design, players couldn't tell Act Zero was a Bomberman game, if not for the title.

However, Act Zero's edgy look is not its worst feature.

This reboot suffers from appalling collision detection, unbalanced AI, unbearable loading screens, and grimy art. The main campaign is a borefest from beginning to end, since every level is identical. For some inexplicable reason, the game doesn't have a save option, meaning players are expected to drudge through a hundred levels in one go.

Although Bomberman hasn't had a massive hit since, none of the later entries have been as dreadful as this atrocity.


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