10 Video Games That Made Their Creators Leave The Industry

7. Bear Simulator

Mass Effect Andromeda
Farjay Studios

Back in 2014, developer John Farjay received $100,000 in Kickstarter funding from 4,000 backers for his game Bear Simulator, which was eventually released in February 2016.

Barely a week after it hit Steam to mostly positive reviews, though, Farjay took to Kickstarter to insist that the game "didn’t have a great reception," and any further updates were basically "a lost cause."

He added that he didn't want to "deal with the drama anymore," which many fans interpreted as referring to a video posted by popular gaming personality PewDiePie, who openly savaged the game and received almost 5 million views for his trouble.

Though PewDiePie later offered up a half-hearted acceptance that his scathing review may have been a tad harsh, Farjay released just a few updates and then walked away, having not worked on another game in the four-plus years since Bear Simulator's release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.