10 Video Games That Made You Quit Gaming

9. Rockstar's Lack Of Caring About The GTA Definitive Edition

fallout 4

Although it's in a slightly better state now then when it first released, 2021's worst game of the year title may well go to Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

Filled with bugs, truly horrendous character models and the worst rain effects you've ever seen in your entire life, this was an embarrassment for a publisher like Rockstar to put out.

In fact, it's enough to make you consider quitting the industry entirely, given Rockstar's blatant lack of caring about us as players.

Let us not forget that for many of us, we grew up with these classic GTA titles. So when Rockstar announced they were being remastered, we were all, naturally, quite excited about it. Rockstar literally had a goldmine waiting to happen here, but their blatant lack of caring about their consumers meant that they were more than happy to push out a sub-par product that was clearly just a quick cash grab for them.

Would it have been too much to ask for them to take a bit more time on this one and make it actually worthy of the title of Definitive?


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.