10 Video Games That Make Losing Truly Painful

8. Sea Of Theives

Rocket league

On the water in Rare's open world if you've got a ship full of gold, trinkets and gunpowder from your days pirating... your heart will always racing.

The thought of someone else buying their new hat, with your gold, is what makes dying at sea in Rare's online open world so impactful. You can clear a fort of all its riches only to be chased by a galleon, into kraken infested waters, where you'll meet your watery grave.

Afterward you're banished to the ferry of the damned to wait for what feels like an eternity to respawn. Only when you do can you learn the extent to which you've been robbed of time and gold. Has he been kind ? Of course not, he's sunk us and he'll be enjoying a new set of flashy cannons very soon... all thanks to me.

The rewards that skilled pirates reap though is an incentive, in a strange way, to keep playing because eventually you'll be the one with the golden sails and a hat worthy of ladies day.

The fear of loss is what makes every decision in this brilliant open world so critical. You'll need to keep a weather eye on the horizon and learn from your mistakes.


An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete