10 Video Games That Make Losing Truly Painful

2. Call Of Duty: Warzone

Rocket league

The premise of battle royale games inherently dictates that a lot of people will not make it to the winning screen, but when you do that here there are few more rewarding feelings . Seeing that blue banner and your battle hardened characters get airlifted to safety is a moment to savour.

However, most of the time you'll miss that helicopter and be left lying in the dirt surrounded by toxic gas. One of the defining features of the doomed world of Warzone is the Gulag. Its what's set this ever popular melee apart from its competition.

When your bested out in the world you'll be extracted to a gloomy, nerve wrecking prison where you'll fight to the death to be given a second chance to drop back into the game. It's a genius feature that means every player can have another opportunity, but equally can be bitterly disappointed and leave there teammates stranded.

It's this make or break scenario that leads to the bitterness of losing twice in a matter of seconds. Although when it works out, that same situation, brings excitement at possibly seeing that blue banner again.

And that is all the reason needed to keep playing.


An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete