10 Video Games That Make Losing Truly Painful

3. Rocket League

Rocket league

One sure fire way of compounding the feeling of frustration of losing in games is to spark fierce competition among the player base. Rocket league is an exemplary blend of fun and competition that makes winning every bit as satisfying as losing is painful.

Every match has the potential to be an emotional rollercoaster but when playing people of a similar skill level is when it truly shines. It's a game that is easy to pick up but incredibly difficult to master so when you do win a sense of achievement always resonates.

Learning the game is always satisfying and seeing your progress against better opponents never loses its charm. But, when you lose heavily to simply better players there really are few things, in gaming, as disheartening.

After a defeat you feel as if your favourite sports team's been beaten. In a type of retaliation you'll chase a redeeming game and the feeling of winning again... repeatedly.

Its hard not to appreciate how Rocket League can take you from the pinnacle of excitement to the very depths of gaming despair in the space of a single five minute match.


An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete