10 Video Games That Make You Rethink Time And Space

5. Echochrome

Portal game
Sony Computer Entertainment

Echochrome doesn't just use science and math to mess with you, but art as well.

In particular, the works of M. C. Escher.

In this puzzler, you lead a wireframe representation of an artist's mannequin through levels that seem pretty straightforward: you start at point A and must make it to point B.

Except, the levels are based around twisted perspective art pieces, so what looks like a straight line could have you invert on the other side of a ledge. Or require you to rotate the camera to move an object in the way of a gap, thus creating the illusion of a perfect walkway behind what it is now a pillar by the path.

It's part physics platformer, part mind-and-vision bender as you have to logistically and literally look at every angle to where you're going.

It's hard to put into words (which is my job, really) but it would help if you've ever any of Escher's art, or similar. Like the perpetual staircase that comes back on itself, or Relativity, the piece with the stairs and doors that go off every which way.

Well, this is the video game version of that, in essence.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.