10 Video Games That Messed With The Player

8. Control

BioShock Andrew Ryan

A story usually has three distinct parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is typically clear cut because the story never carries on after the end credits, does it? Well yes, actually. Granted, there are many examples of this in various forms of media, but Control does it particularly effectively.

You play as Jesse Faden, Director of the Federal Bureau of Control, tasked with, among other things, ridding the bureau of a supernatural entity known as the Hiss that has been possessing the staff. Towards the end of the game, Faden is infected with the Hiss, and before the player can even process this, the game cuts to credits, painting a bleak picture of her fate.

While this looks like a dark and depressing end, and certainly not what players expected, this is not the whole story. The credits warp and distort, while the words themselves change from the names of Remedy team members to nonsensical sentences. The game resumes shortly after this, with Faden able to rid herself of the Hiss through the actions of the player.

Post credit scenes, eh? They’ll never catch on.

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Matt has been gaming since he was young, and enjoys exploring obscure indie games in between the latest AAA releases. The train sequence from Uncharted 2 still blows his mind.